Do, 12.12.2013 · The Answer Man · Eric Hayot

Wir laden herzlich ein zu einer experimentellen Veranstaltung am Philosophischen Seminar der Universität Heidelberg. Unter dem Titel "THE ANSWER MAN" testen wir eine neues Format.

Professor Eric Hayot (Pennsylvania State University), der derzeit am Karl Jaspers Zentrum für Transkulturelle Forschung hier in Heidelberg lehrt, spielt für uns den Answer Man, einen Superhelden des Wissens.

Von Allgemeiner Psychologie über Gerechtigkeitstheorie und Literatur bis zu Zahnmedizin, von human history to human hygiene, von Mundraub bis Moral. Prof. Hayot beantwortet alle Fragen. Spontan, improvisiert und doch fundiert. Allerdings in englischer Sprache.

Eric Hayot is Distinguished Professor of Comparative Literature and Asian Studies at the Pennsylvania State University, and the author of four books: Chinese Dreams (Michigan, 2004), The Hypothetical Mandarin (Oxford, 2009), On Literary Worlds (Oxford, 2012), and The Elements of Academic Style (Columbia, 2014). He’s currently visiting the Karl Jaspers Center for Advanced Transcultural Studies at the University of Heidelberg, where he is teaching a course called “What is Self-Consciousness? Primitivism, Deception, and Modernity,” and working on a book called The Way We Read Now.

"Why am I the answer man: To be the Answer Man, when one is not the Answer Man, requires two things: a willingness to pretend to be the Answer Man, though one is not him; and a secret hope that one might actually be the Answer Man after all, which fills one with the delight of a child playing at being a giant, or an aeroplane."

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The Answer Man
Bring all the questions.
Get all the answers.

Donnerstag · 12. Dezember · 19 Uhr
Kantsaal, Philosophisches Seminar